Holy Communion
Scripture, Song, Prayer, Praise and Holy Meal.
Maintaining the tradition of the Holy Communion Service based on the Australian Prayerbook our 8:00 am Sunday Service at Holy Spirit Church, Kenmore continues to be well attended even in these uncertain times.
We join together in the Anglican liturgy of Holy Communion, gathered in prayer, song and listening to readings from the Bible.
We focus on the holy meal, that Jesus asked us to continue in remembrance of him.
It is a living remembrance, and through this lovely service we are refreshed and encouraged for the days ahead as we seek to live how he wants us to live.
Please feel welcome to come; and if it is a new experience be assured you will have someone to guide you.
Rev’d Jan is always available to talk through things with you as well.
With regular attended services having recommenced, audio recordings of Holy Communion have been discontinued.
Previous audio recordings can be found below.