Giving: An Act of Grace
Please help us to continue to spread our love and faith.
This parish is a self-funded faith community, relying on the generosity of participants as their ‘stewardship’ to God, believing we need to offer Christian community, worship and service in the Anglican pattern, in these suburbs.
We also commit to wider ministry beyond the parish, including Chaplaincy at Kenmore High School, Indigenous work here and in the NT, Western ministry in Queensland, and mission work in Nepal and elsewhere.
Each week we also collect non-perishable food for Emergency Relief distribution in Goodna; toiletries etc for homeless people (through Anglicare); bottletops and bottles to assist local charities.
How you can give ...
If you are not a regular giver by way of ANFIN or a direct debit system, you can still participate in the offertory by electronic transfer. Below are 2 easy methods :
BSB: 704 901
Account number: 00000290
Account Name: Kenmore Brookfield Anglican Parish
Reference: Offertory or donation
Wider Ministry
We support a variety of ministry and mission causes and people beyond the Parish :
through prayer
through the Parish Budget
through special collections and fund-raising activities
by arranging guest speakers and disseminating information
by offering support and encouragement through partnering in ministry with agencies and community groups
Health and education work in Nepal (through CMS)
Auntie Jean Phillips, an indigenous leader and pastoral worker in Brisbane
Chaplaincy at Kenmore High School
Goodna Anglican Welfare Ministries (GAWM)
Church Missionary Society (CMS)
Australian Board of Mission (ABM)
Bush Ministry Fund
Bush Church Aid Society (BCA)
Anglicare Southern Queensland
TEAR Australia
Nungalinya College, Darwin
Local groups e.g. Rotary, Shedwest Men's Shed, Meals on Wheels
One of the simplest ways for you to make a future gift to support the work of the Parish of Kenmore Brookfield is to leave a gift through your will – known as a bequest.
After providing for your family a bequest is a special way of ensuring your memory will live on through the good work achieved by your gift. You can rest assured that you will be supporting God’s work into the future.
Should you wish to make a bequest your solicitor can best advise you on the process. However, if you wish to confidentially discuss your plans please do not hesitate to contact our office.