All ages, all stages, all welcome
Life is about how we are human together; this faith community is continually exploring and offering ways of encounter in the way Jesus Christ calls us to live. We are intentionally building culture that is about meeting him – and not ‘the church’ that people seem to have such mixed images of, and experience with. Christ’s love is unconditional, open and yet demanding of the ‘right’ way to live – we try and be and offer who he is.
Meet the team

Rev'd Deb Bird
Parish Priest

Rill Kilmartin

Rev'd David Dean
Assistant Priest
Good Shepherd Church

Leadership Group
Peter Brady, Michelle Chapman and Alex du Plessis

Carol Streatfield
As faith community, we gather for many reasons - importantly, to worship around the Word of God (the Bible), and to share the holy meal of Communion as we remember all that Jesus is for us and the world. We offer many ways of worship gathering, including traditional Prayerbook and also various expressions of connecting with young lives and those seeking faith and truth. These include the lively SpiritLife, Messy Church, TeenSpirit and SpiritAlive.
We also offer gathering in spiritual practices in the Contemplative tradition – including Contemplative Evensong, the Healing Prayer Service, Contemplative Eucharist, Thursday Prayers for the world, and more. An on-line community is forming around Sunday evening zoom with Contemplative Evensong.
In the tradition of the Anglican Church we are pleased to offer the rites of Funerals, Baptisms, Weddings, Admission to Holy Communion, and serving with Pastoral Care. We do several services a month in Aged Care residences.
Community Connection
Community connection is a strong focus for gathering as we build “village green” hospitality around activities, including the Second Harvest bookshop and plant sales, and other partnerships with community groups (Meals on Wheels, Mens’ Shed, local Council, other churches).
Christians make a commitment in their baptism to grow in relationship with Christ, together in community. Worshipping regularly is part of this, with teaching happening in various ways, depending on the type of service. Small groups that gather around the scriptures and specific studies are also very important. The parish offers several open small groups.
TeenSpirit is specifically for discipleship with high schoolers and young adults – all welcome.
gathered around Jesus Christ.
We are a COMMUNITY seeking
meaning in what life throws at us.
We are a COMMUNITY emcompassing
all ages and stages of life.
We are COMMUNITY - together we are part
of the wider community contributing to the common good in our neighbourhood.